14.8 | 00:59 | Today | 01:01 | 25.6 |
16.6 | 19 | December | 6 | 27.7 |
29.9 | 2 Jan | 2024 | 12 Aug | 49.7 |
4.4° | 01:59 | Today | 00:09 | 3.7° |
11.9° | 19 | December | 1 | -2.5° |
34.6° | 12 Aug | 2024 | 12 Jan | -9.7° |
Partly Cloudy |
One hour forecast: Temperature 0°C Windspeed 0 km/h Rain 0% |
7 | 22 |
Wind | Gust |
162° SSE |
% | Moisture |
84 | Garten: Saturated |
43 | Tomate gross: Adequate |
33 | Tomate klein: Irrigation needed |
43 | Lavendel klein: Adequate |
58 | Lavendel gross 1: Adequate |
38 | Lavendel gross 2: Irrigation needed |
Temperature°C | Humidity % | |
4.2 | Garten | 94 |
11.4 | SZ | 64 |
5.2 | S-Panel |
✓ Ecowitt_Lcl - Weatherscreen Pro in Steißlingen - im Hegau am Bodensee
Never base important decisions that could result in harm to people or property on this weather information. |
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